La migración en el teatro para la infancia y la juventud de México

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Publishing country Spain | España

Hugo Salcedo affirms that theater is the ideal practice for reflecting on the urgent issues that concern us as a society and, from this perspective, children have the power to point out the errors of the system.
In this essay, Salcedo, a leading figure in the Mexican performing arts, takes a look at different plays for children and young people with a migratory theme. A dramaturgy for which there are no taboo subjects and which is no stranger to the tragic consequences that migration has on children. This book, therefore, is not only intended for researchers of children’s and youth theater, but for all those who want to approach contemporary Mexican theater and are interested in a theater committed to reality. One that does not turn its back on the thorniest issues of children’s lives.
Hugo Salcedo was the winner of the 2019 Juan Cervera Award for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Youth for the relevance and timeliness of the topic addressed, the thoroughness in the selection of works, the methodological rigor of the analysis and its expository clarity. Likewise, the jury highlighted its commitment and courage in defending a theatrical creation that does not hide the crudest aspects of reality from children and youth audiences.

Country Mexico | México

Research Topic Migration

Hugo Salcedo

Autor de más de 50 títulos para teatro y de un amplio número de artículos académicos y ensayos, algunas de sus obras han obtenido premios nacionales e internacionales, y se han traducido, transmitido para radio, publicado y/o representado en español, inglés, francés, alemán, persa, coreano y checo.

Obras como El viaje de los cantores (Premio Tirso de Molina), Invierno,
Sinfonía en una botella, La ley del Ranchero, Nosotras que los queremos
tanto, Selena la reina del Tex/mex o Música de balas (Premio UAMUdeG-CdMx), abordan aspectos de discriminación sexual, violencia,
intolerancia e inmigración.

