Salüq is a journey, an hymn to the Mediterranean and to life. Salüq is a multidisciplinary show in which visual poetry, dance, plastic arts and new technologies are to tell the great adventure of a little heroine. It is a story of adventure and hope, testimony of those who emigrate with the dream of reaching the chimera of a better world. Aina and Ana travel to discover Nür’s journey, a girl who involuntarily embarks on a small odyssey fleeing her country. Nür, driven by the wind of Salüq, will travel places she had never seen and experience adventures she never imagined. Little Nür’s gaze will transform everything in her path and her questions will be a springboard to guide her to find a new home. The objective is that audiences can reflect and empathize from seeing Salüq, on the reality

2016 / 45 min / 7-9

Country Array

Type of show Dance


Creative Team

A partir de una idea de: MaQuinant Teatre
Texto y dirección: Juan Pablo Mendiola
Intérpretes: Aina Gimeno y Ana Ulloa
Colaboración especial: Anna Moret
Dirección Coreográfica: Aina Gimeno
Ilustración: Jaume Marco
Música Original: Damián Sánchez.
Diseño de Escenografía: Los Reyes del Mambo
Diseño de Luces: J. P. Mendiola, D. Roselló y F. Rodrigues
Diseño Gráfico: Jaume Marco
Diseño de Vestuario: Rosana Nolla
Dossier Didáctico: Alba Gimeno
Dirección de comunicación: Carmen Pastor
Producción: MaQuinant Teatre


Maquinant Teatre is founded in Valencia in 2011, with a clear committment to research and reflect on the social reality and an aim to create proximity and emotional impact in audiences. Visual poetry gets more relevance in their last creations as Salüq, thanks to the close collaboration with Juan Pablo Mendiola and their aproach to new technologies in a personal and artistic way

Contact +34 635 826 051 Aina +34 630 369 547


IKEBANAH Artes Escénicas Calle Navellos, 1-11ª 46003 Valencia (España) +34 960090504
